1st MOOC on SAR

Please excuse me for using the forum for “advertisement”, but this may be of interesst for all people working with SAR data.

There will be the first Massive Open Online Course on Radar Remote Sensing called “Echoes in space”. It will start on 09-Oct-2017 and will be open to anybody: https://eo-college.org/courses/echoes-in-space/

If this does not fit in this forum, please disregard my post.


The first week of the free online course on SAR has begun today. There are over 3800 registered users.

The initial lessons are on the history of radar with more advanced topics on geometry, land, water and hazards to come.
It’s a great job by Robert Eckardt, Iain Woodhouse, Christiane Schmullius, Vincent Kerbaol, and Chris Stewart


Thanks, mate for sharing this information, I’m really looking for a SAR Data course and finally found it.