Can not import Landsat data because the file naming?

I can not open Landsat data downloaded from GloVis Next with SNAP 5.0 (Windows 10), at least not by the MTL.txt file. Instead, I get a warning message:

The file 'D:\...\...\xxx_xxx_xxx_MTL.txt' to load the product can not be opened.

So I turned to a file downloaded from the previous GloVis site (an example from Lavender & Lavender’s Practical Handbook of Remote Sensing), and it opened without problem.

Then I downloaded the same file from GloVis Next and it did not work (!). By the metadata, it can be seen that the scene is the same; but the processing software, the data type, and the file name are different.

This is opened without problem: LT51880241990300KIS00_MTL

LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = "LT51880241990300KIS00"
		FILE_DATE = 2014-07-26T11:47:54Z

This can not be opened: LT05_L1TP_188024_19901027_20170129_01_T1_MTL

LANDSAT_SCENE_ID = "LT51880241990300KIS00"
		LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID = "LT05_L1TP_188024_19901027_20170129_01_T1"
		FILE_DATE = 2017-01-29T05:23:05Z

I searched the forum but there are no answers. Somebody could help with this?


Thanks for informing us. It’s true the new “Collection 1” datasets are not yet supported.
We will take care of it during the further development. I’ve added an issue to our issue tracker.

Thank you.

Hi developers team,
is it possible for you to estimate a date till you can include the new product reader for L8 data?
I really would like to use SNAP for teaching a Remote Sensing Class (for upcoming teachers).
As I am working on Landsat 8 data, this will only be possible with a working L8 reader.
I have to give the class in one month.

I just would like to know, if you expect a new L8 reader till mid of May, otherwise I have to plan with other software which would be very sad in my opinion.

Best regards,
Florian Uhl

You’re a lucky one.
Soon we need these products too. So we can do it a bit earlier.
At least will make the reader compatible with the new naming convention. I’m not sure if we can support the new features (flags and angles) now, we will investigate this.
So I think the update should be available latest in the second week of May.

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That`s a great news! Thank you for your fast reply. I am looking forward till May.

Best regards and a good weekend
Florian Uhl

Just to mention that I’m also interested in this reader to be used with snappy (would be a way to merge radiometric and geometric data!).

I’ve just released the update for the S3-Toolbox.
Now it should be possible to open the landsat data from the ‘Collection One’.
Not yet the surf. refl. and not the newly added features. This will come later.

Excellent, thanks a lot!

Perfect!!! It does the job.
Thank you, marpet… Marco
Best regards