thanks. I computet the settings by chosing different combinations.
Then I saved the changes. When I closed snap and reopened now I got some strange messages. It took me some time to find that in snap.conf now a slash after jdkhome is missing which caused the mesages:
The uncomment line was the new which caused the error messages (). I changed this and it worked.
**#default_options="–jdkhome “/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home” --branding snap …
default_options="–jdkhome “/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home” --branding snap …
- If I understand correctly.
The snap gui uses the vm settings defined in snpa.config
gpt uses the vm setting defined in gpt.vmoptions
Both are the same but I get large performance differences.
lveci mentioned : setting the java vm heap size large enough.
But to my understanding this is done with the xmx command defined in gpt.vmoptions and snap.config.
Hope you can help