Importing PolsarPro product files with geocoding into SNAP?

When I import PolsarPro products into SNAP they don’t seem to have any geocoding left?
See the error message in the image.
Can I somehow add this or export in some other way from PolsarPro?

did you open it via File > Import > SAR formats > PolSARpro?

Don’t open the header file in the SAR-Mosaic, you have to open the whole product. Click on the right side on “Add Opened” to get all products currently opened in SNAP and then select only the one you need.

Yes that’s how I opened it. And @Kuato I’m only opening the product, SNAP just named it T33. But as you see in the image only one product is selected to be mosaiced.

I guess I can try to only have one product type, now I have both decomposition and entropy together with the T3 matrix. I’ll update you after I’ve tried it.

Is there an metadata.xml file in the folder with all the .bin data? I think SNAP is looking for that file in order to get the geocoding information.
In my case I processed Sentinel-1 data in SNAP to get the C2 matrix, then I exported to PolsarPro and did some decomposition and then re-imported the results back in SNAP again. Geocoding is fine in my case. But maybe that’s again a problem with quad-pol data?