Phase Unwrapping to Vertical Displacement

As ABraun stated, you can import the incedent angle from tie-point grids. To do that, you just need to, right click on the product, band mathsand you type the equation inside the box as shown below.
Make sure you tick the show tie-point grids box on the left for the incidence angle layer to show up.
The Units of the results will be in cm in that case as the wavelength (5.6) is in cm units

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Hi, i have a quastion, pls tell me why my result map are black and white?? I did converting of phase to vertical disp exactly as you mentiond above

@zahra0729 You Means to say in Gray Scale.??

Yes, i meant it

That,s interesting for me if my unwrapped phase is colour map, after converting to vertical displacment,why it appears like gray scale map!!

You can change it from here

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Thanks alot for your explanation. But i want to know everything is ok ? And it,s natural if it appears like grayscale after creating?

yes, this is just how SNAP displays the data. It is your choice to apply colours to it.

Thanks alot

Hi,I want to analayse ground deformation through a year for a region, so i have created displacment maps by generating interferogeram of all 12 month of year such as slave image and image of the first month such as master image,I mean in whole during of analysing,my master image was the first month image and the other images was slave.but now i,m confused if have i done it right or not!is it possible that I use from two images in different season!!

want to analayse ground deformation through a year for a region, so i have created displacment maps by generating interferogeram of all 12 month of year such as slave image and image of the first month such as master image,I mean in whole during of analysing,my master image was the first month image and the other images was slave.but now i,m confused if have i done it right or not!is it possible that I use from two images in different season!!

Hi, why I cannot see the tie-point-grids folder in my ‘‘unwrapped phase product’’ (the last step, after I import it from snaphu). I want to convert the unwrapped phase to vertical displacement by right click on the product> band math> band math nexpresion editor>
can anyone help me please? thanks


the product you show in the screenshot contains displacement_vv and elevation. That means you already applied “phase to displacement” on this data. Use the product of the previous step, directly after the snaphu import. It contains tie-point grids (as copied from the reference product defined in the first tab of the snaphu import (1-Read-Phase").

Dear ABraun,
Again, Many thanks for your swift reply!
I have one thing else, I did not pin any GCP in my product through the processing of DinSAR, does this mean I missed one big step in the procedure? Do I need necessarily to identify a stable point of X,y coordinates in the image before prior to proceeding? if so, where shall I do that step?

Thank you so much Dear ABraun

no, this is not mandatory. If you manually calculate the displacement, you just need to define a reference height later to define where is zero displacement in your raster.

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Thanks… where I can define the the reference height in the raster, please? specifically on which product…
Thanks Again Mr ABraun:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

in the band maths, please see here:

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Ok thanks I understand, but where I shall start to do this procedure? I do not know as I am new user of SNAP. Do you have any guidelines or steps to do so, if so, please forward it to me… With regards

At which point do you struggle?
InSAR is not the easiest technique to start with. Did you see the SNAP tutorials?

ASF also offers great ones:

ESA provides excellent materials on the theories behind it:

I know InSAR techniques but I never used the SNAP! I mean the step of Selecting a good stable point in SNAP software? I hope you understand my point… I am so sorry If I bothered you with my questions ?