Sen2Cor 2.4.0, Stand-Alone Installers, How To Install

I wasn’t able to get SEN2COR to work on a Mac, and now I am trying windows.
Windows 7 SNAP 5.0.
I called “L2A_Process.bat --help” and all works well. Yet, I cannot use sen2cor in SNAP.

I am trying to use the command window, but I get an error “L1C user product directory must match the following mask:” etc… I have changed nothing from when I downloaded the product…just unzipped the folder.

I know you are overwhelmed with this topic…but I am hoping for some help :slight_smile:

Hi @Elsy,

your problem seems to be related to the name of the product you are trying to correct. Have you changed its name? Could you please write your full command to take a look?

@Remi, have you added Sen2Cor plugin into the SNAP? Click menu “Tools”, “Plugins”, tab Available Plugins, find and install Sen2Cor plugin into the SNAP.

I have identical error like @josefdsales. Does somebody know a solution? I have standalone version of Sen2Cor.
Thank you, Wojciech

Thank you for your reply. I haven’t changed the name. I unzipped the downloaded folder, and that’t it.

So, I type in the command prompt
L2A_Process (folder containing the .safe file and has the same name as the file)

Sorry @ABraun, I forgot to write this.
Yes, I’ve used the Sen2Cor Stand Alone installer.

I still have the problem related before and I don’t know what to do.

Another thing is about the error message that appears in the image I’ve uploaded in my last post. The message is in Portuguese, (I suppose it’s because the language system of my PC is that). I translated that in the SNAP log, but here I write again:
> from . import multiarray

 ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

I spect that can help another person to help me.


only to be sure, you have to execute L2A_Process with the full path to the .SAFE folder (not the path to the folder containing the .SAFE) something like this:
[the_L1C_product_directory]/S2A_MSIL1C_20170307T130941_N0204_R052_T22ECQ_20170307T130935.SAFE --resolution=60


indeed! that was it! thank you

can you post output of L2A_Process.bat (sh) ?

hello, please, help me, i have a problem with installation sen2cor stand-alone
after calling the command “L2A_Process.bat –help, it show an error,
i ve a windows 8.1

This is no error, your program works fine :slight_smile:
too few arguments means that sen2cor needs to know where your data is located:

L2A_process --resolution 10 directory

Manual chapter 3.3.1

The instructions look so simple, so why can I not get it to work?
in cmd i type:
C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64>L2A_Process.bat -help
and the result is:
directory “C:\Users\myname\AppData\Local\Sen2Cor-2.4.0-win64\ûhelp” does not e

What do I do wrong?

Try with:
L2A_Process.bat --help
L2A_Process.bat -h

Sorry, it makes no difference at all. -help, --help, -h, --h all render the same results.

Just try without any -help or -h or --help like this command
Hopefully it would work.

Hi there,
I have the same problem with @josefdsales and @wgolabek,and i don’t know how to solve it.Does anybody know how to solve this problem?Thank you very much!


I am using Windows10 and having terrible trouble installing sen2cor I keep getting a python issue when I follow the instructions above and when I try and use it in SNAP I get a whole host of errors.I include some snaps below to show what I have had trouble with - any ideas greatly welcomed!


you forgot writing ‘–help’ after ‘L2A_Process.bat’, and there will be a space between them.

After working on other things for some days, installing windows updates, another python version and a few other things L2A_Process.bat seems to work now. It shows me the commands to use, one of them is -h. I don’t know what solved the problem.

I don’t know what happened when I was using ‘sen2cor’, but the problem makes me crazy, I can’t solve it, please give me a hand.

What version of SNAP are you using? And what version of sen2cor? Are you using the standalone installer or you have installed Anaconda?