Dear gabbro,
I have no idea what happens with your Sen2Cor installation. Its running on my computer without this error. I will forward this problem to Sen2Cor developer.
Kind regards
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) - German Aerospace Center | Earth Observation Center | Remote Sensing Technology Institute | Photogrammetry and Image Analysis | Team Marine Remote Sensing | Rutherfordstrasse 2 | 12489 Berlin | Germany
Bringfried Pflug
Telephone +49 30 67055-655 | Telefax +49 30 67055-642 |
Von: gabbro []
Gesendet: Freitag, 8. Januar 2016 11:30
An: Pflug, Bringfried
Betreff: [step] [s2tbx/sen2cor] sen2cor scene classification problem
[Das Bild wurde vom Absender entfernt.]
January 8
Dear bdpg, thank you for your help. Indeed I did not set the DEM in the config file. However once set an error is raised: gdalwarp is not a recognized program. After that, sen2cor stops.
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