A document describing the SEN2COR land classification algorithm


I understand there used to be a document available that described how to the Sen2Cor land classification algorithms works. However, I’m unable to locate that document on the web and I’d be very grateful if someone could provide that PDF.

Regards, blazs.

I think this one is the most recent one that is publicly available:

Yes, this is the document I was looking for. Thanks!

Hallo Benjamin Leutner,

Summary of all your questions from the last days.

Sen2Cor 2.2.2 will never be published because Sen2Cor2.3 is being released. Sen2Cor 2.3 contains all the bug fixes and updated which had been prepared with version 2.2.2 plus the ability to read data in the PSD14. For details look into the software release notes which are contained in the update.

Your question regarding the altitude or elevation you answered correctly. This value is used in case of processing without DEM, but then it has to be set for every product. The setting is ignored if a DEM is used.

I attached the IODD document.

WV retrieval is using only absorption region at 940nm. Other remarks in the ATBD (it is an old, not very actual one) are not realized in Sen2Cor, but in ATCOR. The ATBD from 2012 is the recent version.

Kind regards

Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) - German Aerospace Center | Earth Observation Center | Remote Sensing Technology Institute | Photogrammetry and Image Analysis | Team Marine Remote Sensing | Rutherfordstrasse 2 | 12489 Berlin | Germany

Bringfried Pflug
Telephone +49 30 67055-655 | Telefax +49 30 67055-642 | bringfried.pflug@dlr.demailto:bringfried.pflug@dlr.de www.DLR.de/eochttp://www.dlr.de/eoc

[L2A-IODD] S2PAD-VEGA-IODD-0001 [1.0].pdf (856 KB)


Please note that in Sen2Cor, the so-called “Scene Classification” module provides a “Scene Classification” map divided in 11 classes. This map does not constitute a land cover classification map in a strict sense, its main purpose is to be used internally in Sen2Cor in the atmospheric correction module to distinguish between cloudy pixels, clear pixels and water pixels. Two quality indicators are also provided: a Cloud confidence map and a Snow confidence map with values ranging from 0 to 100 (%).

Best regards,

Hello Bringfried,

thanks for your response. I just discovered the new version and am looking forward look into it.
My apologies if there were too many questions at once, I just could not find the answers in the official documentation nor in the part of the code that is openly available.
