Average pixels value for same image with different resolutions

I used and 4.0 and 5.0 version of SNAP Toolbox. I applying following graph:
Read -> Apply Orbit File -> thermal Noise Removal -> Calibration -> Terrain Correction -> Read

I got a mean value of pixels from some image with X for Y resolution. Then I got the same image with another smaller resolution X/3 and Y/3 pixels. After, that I have calculated the average value of pixels from both images and I get different values. (e.g. values of pixels are from 0 to 10 and I got 3.5 and 3.8 (for smaller image)). Is it ok? If yes how much is mean squared error?

I cut this image by GDAL Python API by geojson.

I just change from 10 to 30.

<node id="Terrain-Correction">
  <sourceProduct refid="Calibration"/>
<parameters class="com.bc.ceres.binding.dom.XppDomElement">
  <demName>SRTM 3Sec</demName>
  <incidenceAngleForSigma0>Use projected local incidence angle from DEM</incidenceAngleForSigma0>
  <incidenceAngleForGamma0>Use projected local incidence angle from DEM</incidenceAngleForGamma0>
  <auxFile>Latest Auxiliary File</auxFile>

Here is both output images.