Baseline estimation from gtp command line

Dear all,

Is there an easy way to estimate parallel and perpendicular baselines of two Sentinel-1 products using command line or event a python script ?

Best regards,

Have a look at the menu > Radar > Interferometric > InSAR Stack Overview

I already notice it !

Is there a way to obtain those informations in a text file using command line ? (Not via the GUI interface !)

sorry, I completely missed that part.
Haven’t found a GPT tool for it :frowning:

Sorry, Patrick there isn’t a GPT operator for this. I’ll add it to our list of new features.
From the python interface, if you could access InSARStackOverview then you could calculate them.

This returns IfgStack[] with baselines per slave.

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Could you post some example code on how to access the InSARStackOverview class with the SNAPPY module?

Thanks a lot!

Hi Iveci, I know the post is old but I don’t know if there’s any new topic or new feature already developed, so I reply to this one. Which kind of input is calculateInSAROverview expecting? Is there a function to be called to take it as input?
Thank you very much!