Correct procedure of unwrapping phase information?

Dear members, I am trying to extract height information. Can anyone tell me that after forming and filtering interferogram how should i unwrap it? should i use “snaphu export” first?
I have installed SAR mint 64 in the F drive of my laptop. the virtual machine is starting but after that i dont know what to do. Is there any tutorial / video or other document which could help in this matter? Can anyone recommend steps to achieve the unwrapped phase?

you will find a detailled description of the whole InSAR process here:
It is based on NEST (previous version of SNAP) and uses the snaphu tool in the virtual machine.
You basically export to the snaphu format, process the data outside SNAP and then import it again.

Note that for differential interferometry (e.g. subsidence monitoring as demonstrated in the tutorial) topographic phase removal is applied. You don’t need it for the generation of absolute heights.

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Tutorials can be found here

The ones you’re looking for are the Sentinel-1 Stripmap Interferometry and Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Interferometry. The unwrapping is in the stripmap tutorial but also applies to TOPS.

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