Error: "invalid scanline stride" - kmz export of water polygon

Getting an “invalid scanline stride” error and ‘report error’ when trying to export view as kmz. I have used a GRD S1 image, Radiometric Correctin, Speckle Filter and Terrain Correction with raster maths to outline the water areas.

SNAP 5.0.8
Windows 10 64 bit

Thanks in advance

Never mind - ‘scanline stride’ seems related to the internal data buffer - so subsetting the view first before creating the kmz seemed to fix it.

It allows me to make the kmz now, but when attempting to import into GoogleEarth it returns the following error

open of ile"C:/…kmz" failed: Parse error at line 5, column 47:

not well-formed (invalid token)

Any suggestions?

I got it sorted by subsetting - saving as a geotifff - converting to vector in QGIS - exporting from there to a kml. Not ideal obviously - need to figure out how to do it directly from SNAP without getting the error.

I had a group of students try this yesterday - all using the same S1a GRD DV image from December 2015, downloaded last week. They are all using a version of SNAP installed only last week. They all were asked to choose an area of the map which showed some flooding and then subset that, try the binarization using the method in the UN flood tutorial Binarization

They all performed that stage successfully, but approximately 50% could not export the view as a kmz, having the issue i mentioned a few months ago in this post, whereas the other 50% could export it no problem with no errors. They could also open it in GoogleEarth whereas as you can see in my post above my version would not allow me. The only thing I can think is different is that some picked a larger area in their subset and some a smaller subset.

Is anyone else having this problem?

I had the same problem today with one of my students. We all worked on the same data, the only thing that was different was that he converted the virtual raster (which we were about to export to KMZ) before the export with right-click > convert band. This introduced a new line in the XML structure of the file that caused a error in the resulting product which was similar to what you shared here. Maybe this helps.

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I don’t think they had done that, and I am sure I had not when it happened me - but thanks for the reply and it gives me something to narrow down the search, I’ll be doing it with the students this semester too so would like to find out the reason.