Error using C2RCC on idepix-processed source file

I have tried to use the IdePix for S-3, but when I try to run the C2RCC from the IdePix source file, I get an error message. I have attached it below.


“Message: Invalid source product, band “solar_flux_band_1” required”

I guess you haven’t selected the image file in “Product Explorer” .
Plz select image first and then apply any processing.

But you choose that under “Source Products” in the C2RCC user interface? I manage to process images with C2RCC without running the Idepix first, so I thought maybe there was output missing when producing the idepix target product.

Yes, the Idepix does not pass through all bands.
Instead of letting C2RCC run on the Idepix result you can run both on the L1C data and merge both afterwards. You could create graph XML file manually and run it from the command line if you want to do it on a stack products.
There is some information on how to do it in our wiki: User Guide / Processing