Export subset in .SAFE format

Dear all,

does anyone know how to export a subset to .SAFE format from SNAP?

I would like to export an S2A subset in .SAFE format for processing in sen2cor command line - reason being, the original subset is some 4GB and the area of interest is only a small subset of that.



this is not yet possible. Currently you still need to process the data first and do the subset later.
But we have this requirement already in our issue tracker.

Hi @marpet

Thanks for the info.

I then assume the feature would be included in the forthcoming versions.
Would you know when SNAP v3 is due?


Version 3.0 is currently scheduled for February (probably end of February).
However, this version will not yet support the export to the SAFE format.

@sgri0009 : a simple solution to this is to manually patch your product.

You can edit the root xml file and comment out the granules in the “Granule_List” section : this will make SNAP load only the granules you kept.
Sen2cor itself does not behave the same and processes all granules found in the GRANULE folder of your product.

So to subset your product and reduce it to the number of granules you want, you would do both : editing the root xml file (for SNAP) and deleting the undesired granules in the GRANULE folder (for Sen2Cor).

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Hi @jmalik, that’s a great workaround!

Tried it and worked well on both SNAP and sen2cor

Thanks for sharing !

thanks for the update
