Help menu in SNAP 9.0 release not working

Just to ley you know that the help content window, from the help menu dropdown box doesn’t seem to be working (or to pop up in as use to be in previous versions), at least in my setup. I’m using a linux mint distro and SNAP 9.0 release. Don’t know if anyone is having the same issue.

Thanks a lot for the support of the step forum community. You guys are amazing. Keep on the good work.

The SNAP 9.0 Help menu isn’t working on my Windows 10 and Fedora linux systems. Because NASA SeaDAS 8.2 is based on ESA SNAP, you may be able to use NASA SeaDAS 8.2.0 Help.

Hi gnwiii
Well it seem’s you are having the same issue. So probably this a bug from the latest release. Thanks for the reply and the alternative. Unfortenaly, though, the SeaDAS help doesn’t cover all the commands or processing tools available on SNAP. As an example, check the optical thematic processores available in SNAP and in SeaDAS.

All the best

Thanks @PedroPinto for the notification.
It seems that the last update of the S3TBX broke the help system.
I am still not sure why, but it will be fixed with the next update.
Till then, if you don’t need the S3TBX, you can deactivate it in the Plugin Manager. Then the Help should work again.
I’ve created a ticket for this issue.
[SIIITBX-426] S3TBX 9.0.1 breaks help - JIRA (


Well thanks a lot @marpet it works! :slightly_smiling_face:

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SeaDAS has a web version of the help. That has several advantages: it is searchable with Web tools, useful when working with headless configurations, and as is no’s apparent, could be useful when the GUI has a problem.

The help should work again after installing the new 9.0.2 update for S3TBX.

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@marpet, just let you know that I’m runnig now the release 9.0.1 and the help menu (with S3TBX) is already working. Amazing job and team! Thank you.