How to appropriately export the wfr files to GeoTiff?

Hello everyone, I am a new SNAP user.

When I tried to use this software to export Sentinel 3 WFR reflectance files to GeoTiff, it warned me that the flag dataset was not selected. So I chose the WQSF_lsb item as well. However, the WQSF_lsb item was not selected, because it will cause the problem of out of memory.

Then when I used the ENVI software opened the generated .tif file, I found that the band names were not consistent with the SNAP displays. For example, the “Oa04_reflectance” was simply denoted by “band 4”, and so on. How can I solve this problem?

Moreover, how can I extract all the water pixels from the new .tif file?

Thank you!

GeoTIFF has weak metadata support. Contrast that with NetCDF4-CF which has much more complete support such as long and short names for variables, missing value codes, processing history, etc. Recent versions of ENVI should fully support NetCDF4-CF. Software that uses the GDAL libraries such as QGIS may use “decorated” filenames like “NETCDF::” to specify file format (NETCDF4 files are also HDF5 files) and band/variable. The NETCDF library should apply scaling and missing value coding automatically, while using HDF5 requires manual scaling and missing value processing.

Before exporting to NETCDF4-CF you can apply a land-water mask (ENVI can also do that).

Thanks for your suggestions. I’ll try them out.