How to export negative dB values in SNAP 5?

With GRD IW data I have done Read, Calibrate, TC, Linear to/from dB, (filtering not desired for this right now) and I want to export the negative dB values to identify potential ManMade objects, but in ENVI .hdr format all I see on open in ArcGIS 10.5.1 is 0-1 in float format. I’ve read all the other semi-related threads on STEP, but no one has answered this one specifically. Can someone tell us in which export format we can get successfully export the negative dB values, please? I supposed a work around is just to do a 10Log10 (Dn) with the output at this stage, but I’m not thoroughly convinced I have that yet; what should the expected range of values be before the Linear to/from dB step? Thanks much.

I need same information for my work.