How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP

Hi all,

For the mt_prep you should just follow the StaMPS manual.
For me it works the modified mt_prep_gamma_snap for which you should get amplitude average per scene higher than 0.xxxx in my cases between 50 - 80.

mt_prep_gamma_snap usage is indicated while running it without parameters, more or less as follows:
mt_prep_gamma_snap <INSAR_path> amp_disp_thr patch_x patch_y

being INSAR_path the folder which contains the rslc, diff0 and geo folder after exporting the snap interferograms into StaMPS format for PSI using SNAP.

on the thread: Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow you can get a new package which includes the ESD in the xml graphs to run using SNAP. This new package uses python and snap, so it should work in Windows, Linux and Mac.

For the ps_plot issues that you mentioned… please check as I have not any problems. ps_plot(‘v’), ps_plot(‘v-d’,1,‘ts’), ps_plot(‘v-d’,-1), ps_plot(‘d’) worked fine for me. Only when the ps obtained are very high, I got memory issues with Matlab.

I hope this helps.

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