L2A_Process.bat: "AttributeError: no such child: Granule"

Hi there,
This is my first time using Sen2Cor and I am having some problems. I installed Sen2Cor-02.10.01-win64.
The process starts, but after running ~10% of the process it fails.

The L2A folder was created and also all the subdirectories, but the file the program is looking for “T30SUG_20190716T110629_B02_20m_geo.jp2” is not there, I can only see this file: T30SUG_20190716T110629_B02_20m.jp2 (not _geo)

Somehow, later on, the process continues and reports another error “AttributeError: no such child: Granule”

I downloaded my scenes directly from https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home

Has anyone had a similar problem?
Thanks in advance!

Hello Isabel @iglezglez

I retrieved the L1C 30SUG from the SciHub and processed it successfully via the command line In Windows using Sen2Cor-02.10.01-win64 in TOOLBOX mode. And using the default settings. I unzipped the product before pointing Sen2Cor towards the SAFE folder:

I can open the resulting L2A product in SNAP 9.0 without issue.



Jan Jackson

OPT-MPC S2 Technical Manager

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Dear user,

Please refer to point 6) of Sen2Cor FAQ . This problem may occur in Sen2Cor during processing on Windows machines when using long path pointing to the L2A destination folder.

An error in finding/writing a folder/file in the Sen2Cor Post-Processing may be the culprit of this behaviour
We recommend to keep the path_lenght for the input and output directories below 90 characters.

