Missing bursts after TOPS Split

bursts in master are 4-5 in IW2
bursts in slave are 7-8 in IW2
I want to generate DEM in this area
thank you all in advance

We assume S1A is the master and S1B is the slave. The problem is that bursts 4-5 in master and bursts 7-8 in slave do not cover the the same area. There is one burst shift. Try use burst 8-9 in slave and it should work.


can you provide more details, i was facing same problem, but i solve it, and i think i can help you

thank you so much

please,I do subset to interferogram befor unwrapping but I don’t get any product after execute phase unwrapping

Was snaphu installed correctly?


snaphu is installed correctly, snaphu_unwrapping today does not work . yesterday was doing but when finished there was error at row9 but the processing finished without ant resulting product

Did you apply it on the same data? Before you run it again, please make sure to delete temporary files in the folder (unw_[…].img and the tiles folder).
I recommend running snaphu from the command line because it is less prone to configuration errors.

thank you so much. Iam running snaphu from the command line.
please, I have RMSE of the derived elevations for area of study, which were calculated in comparison
with the 557GCPS.(rmse=25 for ALOS 12.5 and rmse=4 for SRTM 30)
(RMSE=17 for DemInSAR(b_perp=119M and b_temp=37 day))
(RMSE=85 for DemInSAR(b_perp=82M and b_temp=12 day))
(RMSE=20 for DemInSAR(b_perp=176M and b_temp=6 day))
but I know rmse=5 for ALOS 12.5m
What do you think of these results?
this is area of study

The location of the points of the study area
thank you in advance

Sorry, interpretation of the results is your task, because only you know your study area.
Besides that, there is no ALOS DEM with 12.5 m. In most parts of the world, it’s the SRTM but resampled to a higher resolution.
Please see here: Range Doppler TC pixel Spacing - #2 by ABraun

I don’t get any product after execute phase unwrapping..

Hello, please help me in interpreting my results. I produced a DEM using different temporal and perpendicular baseline, ascending and descending orbits of the same region and applying the same parameters during processing. In my DEMs I extracted the elevations of 200 points measured in the field and got the following values for RMSE

@SHAM what exactly is your question?

The tiling artefacts in your results indicate that you need larger overlap during snaphu.

please,I have this erroe

You need to select exactly the same product which you used for the snaphu export as the reference for the snaphu import.

RMSE=8.04 FOR b_temp=12 and b_perp=151
RMSE=34.83 FOR b_temp=96 and b_perp=177
RMSE=145.88 FOR b_temp=60 and b_perp=158
There is a big difference in the results. I used larger overlap during snaphu.But the results have not changed

perpendicural baseline is good Could the temporal baseline be 60 and 96 have this effect on decreasing accuracy even though the study area has a plain nature and low vegetation cover.
Thank you very much for your kindness and help and for bearing my ignoranceز

Yes, in cases with much vegetation cover the impact of temporal baseline becomes larger.