No band names written when opening geotiff files exported from SNAP in other platforms

I have exported terrain corrected PALSAR 2 SAR images from SNAP Desktop in geotiff format but when I am opening the geotiff file in MATLAB, the name of bands are gone. there is only Band 1, Band 2 like that whereas there were names of these bands in SNAP like sigma0_HH, amplitude_HH

What is the reason? please suggest…

The reason is the GeoTiff doesn’t support band names.

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Thanks for the info

So there should be a pop up message while exporting images in GeoTiff format (maybe included in SNAP).

sorry to revive this old topic. What could I do to have the name of the bands in a common application like Qgis? I used a graph and a batch to resample and subset S2 images.The purpose is to provide bandes ready to use to non snap users for classicals usages (ndvi, segmentation etc.)
I don’t want to rename all Geotiff bandes manually…
I should try a other format? Which one do you suggest?
Or is there a way to rename Geotiff bandes in graph?

Thank you.

Dear @Fg13,
Have you find a solution for this problem?

Kind regards
S Savastano