No-data in the sea resulting from sen2cor 2.10.01

The new version sen2cor 2.10.01, when executed standalone, generates images that are plenty of NO-DATA pixels in the sea area, as can be seen in the next image.

When checking the L2A product downloaded from the Copernicus Open Access Hub, it shows exactly the same problem.

The product is A previous product from 20220125 has also NO-DATA in the sea, so it looks like a problem related to the new Baseline 4.00 in combination with the new sen2cor 2.10.01 required tool.

Have you reported this to the Open Access Hub?
Write to
They should know about it.

I’ve just informed to them

The problem is already known. It is due to the offset introduced in baseline 4.00 to keep negative reflectance pixels in the spectrum. In case a pixel has exactly the value of 1000 in an image with baseline 4.00, applying the offset results in a reflectance value of 0 which then is interpreted as NoData by the processor. It will be corrected.


As also asked in another topic: is there any news on this bugfix? The library of images that will require reprocessing is growing by the day.

Dear user,

This issue has been fixed in Sen2Cor 2.11.

Please be aware of point 7) of Sen2Cor FAQ if you plan to install Sen2Cor version 2.11 on Linux recent distributions.

The “official” L2A production included this fix within L2A Processing Baseline PB 05.09 starting on 6 December 2022.

