Orbit file not found

@ABraun Thank you for the resource pointed. I’ve came across it several times and for this reason I asked if ALOS DEM could improve the results. actually I was wondering what could be the real indicator for the quality of the interferograms produced by different DEMs. Any suggestions?

I don’t think there will be a notable difference regarding topographic phase removal with SRTM 1Sec (30m) and AW3D30. You can see some subtle differences when you compare SRTM 30m and 90m, but as ALOS and SRTM 1Sec are of nearly the same resolution, their contribution to the phase is probably almost identical. Unless you are not looking at very small and local phenomena, I can’t imagine that there is a benefit from it.
I haven’t tried it myself so far and would still be interested if someone compares it.