Quick SENTINEL-2 L2A_Process in batch model for many files

L2A_Process.sav (55.1 KB)
I found many Sentinel_related tasks will be resovled on the IDL-ENVI. But ENVI can’t provide the SENTINEL-2 L2X product generating or interface in low version. So, I developed a IDL tool for the SENTINEL-2 L2A generating. It covers the Sen2Cor setupping, unzipping the MSIL2C files and L2A Processing. Put L2A_Process.sav in the …*IDL\lib, and type the L2A_Process in the command line or call in program, the L2A_Process will work. More information can be found in the help. Now L2A_Process is a trial version, any question is welcome and we will make updates according your suggestion.@ sentinel_2@163.com