Radar azimuth angle for CMOD5

Hi Guys,

I am wondering how and where I can extract the antenna’s azimuth angle relative to the north (radar azimuth angle) from the IW GRHD Sentinel-1 products? I need this data to calculate the wind speed via CMOD5.

FYI I already tried the following:

  1. Open a Sentinel-1 product
  2. Right click on Metadata > Original_Product_Metadata > select Search Metadata
  3. In the Search Metadata window type “Angle” and click OK
  4. The result window will show all angle values for the product

This gives you incident and elevation angle only (not the radar azimuth angle.)

Also, I would preferably like to get this data from the image itself, and not an external website (I noticed the heavens website.) Also anyway to automate the process?

Thanks a lot!