S1A Radiometric Calibration Refinement

Hi everyone,

I am working on the processing of multiple S1A SLC data from acquisitions in 2015 and 2016 and try to compare them to data from field measurements of vegetation and soil parameters. As since 11/25/2015 a radiometric calibration refinement is applied by the IPF (https://sentinels.copernicus.eu/documents/247904/2142675/Sentinel-1A_TOPS_Radiometric_Calibration_Refinement), data from between March-November 2015 and after November 2015 are not fully comparable ( see this article: http://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/8/5/406/pdf).

Is there a way to account for this? I have seen that new auxillary calibration files can be downloaded from S1 QC website. Are they somehow implemented in SNAP (maybe during radiometric calibration) or can I use them somehow to correct my SLC data?

Thanks for any advice!