Sentinel 2 data reprojection gaps

Hello everyone,

I downloaded the sentinel 2 data with name: S2A_OPER_MTD_SAFL1C_PDMC_20151201T163409_R135_V20151129T081916_20151129T081916

I imported the data, re-sampled at 20m resolution and then ran geometric operations re-projection to WGS 84 on it and saved it as an ENVI file which took about 5 hours to process.

The problem I have is that the data comes out with gaps of missing data in it after the processing step mentioned above,see image below:

Band 5 had an image gap even before processing, see image shown below:

How can this fixed?

Please update SNAP (Tools->Plugins then Check for updates) to get S2TBX 2.0.2
Do you still reproduce this issue ?

Hi @Fran
This is fixed with the latest 2.0.3 update of Sentinel-2 Toolbox.

Hello Jmalik

Thank you very much, i will try doing that.