SNAP does not correct the two files sentinel 1a/b

Greetings, I am processing interferograms with SNAP but for 1 week I started to fail the program, I no longer correct the two SAR SENTINEL 1A / B files when I apply S-1 TOPS-CORREGISTRATRIO, CORREGISTRATION. Only the first image corrects me, I also try to process step by step with; a). SENTINEL 1 TOPS SPLIT, b). Apply ORBIT, c). S-1 BACK GEOCODYNG but it doesn’t correct me either. It will be that I have sent, since previously it worked.

Creating Single Interferogram

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Also please have a look and you could also use this Processing Steps of Creating Single Interferogram In case you are applying the processes through out gpt

Source of the post

Thank you very much, and resolved the problem, install the FILE OF ALL SNAP TOOL BOXES