Snap2stamps package: a free tool to automate the SNAP-StaMPS Workflow

Because I prepared master image with split_orb graph,

then the question remains how the inteferograms look like

Interferograms look all right

why is the script called stamps_export (1).py? Did you make any modifications?

No, because I have downloaded it twice.

Is it possible not to run this command to delete zip files from the slave folder? I have deleted all .zip files of images.:woman_facepalming:

yes, once the split script was executed correctly, you donā€™t need the zip files any longer.

I have no idea why the export fails, as this is a rather easy step. Maybe @mdelgado can think of a resaosn?

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please , where I could fixe std=0.5 in order to have a nice picture of the pattern.


can you please specify what exactly you refer to? This topic contains over 500 posts, so a bit context would be helpful.

I plot (ā€˜v-sā€™, 4) with 200000 PS processed, in order to have a good picture of the pattern i should fixe std=0.5 , isnā€™t it ???

no, you cannot set the standard deviation here. You simply plot the temporal variation of each point

Iā€™m going to put this here, because nobody has solved it for me in the original post:

I have follow the comments and indeed it makes no sense for me that stamps_export fails.

Which SNAP version do you use? Can you please share your python and graph of that step? It should not need any DEM to do that operationā€¦ so not sure what is going on in thereā€¦ but seems not doing what it should.

I am using SNAP.6.0 and Python 2.7 version,I have also attached a graph of the stamps_export step.
export (1).xml (1.1 KB)

regardless of this error, I highly recommend updating to SNAP 8.
Chances are good that it fixes some of the experienced issues.

I have update SNAP.6.0 to SNAP 8 before, in cloudtoolbox, but they advised me to downgrade it because this version did not work at all. :confused:

xml does not include any operator that uses DEMsā€¦ so not clue with your computer is doing.

So ,what should I do to fix this problem?

Dear @ABraun, @mdelgado , @thho

I would like to do my PSInSAR treatment via SNAP2stamps,
so my data is from 10/2015 till 12/ 2018 , when I split them it doesnā€™t have the same split , so I divided the PS treatment into two : the first one from (10/2015 to 05/ 2017 ) and the second one from ( 06/2017 - 12/ 2018) , finally I merged the two treatment into one file. csv

I want to know if my raisonnement is true and my time series is correct.


can you please clarify what you mean with ā€œwhen I split them it doesnā€™t have the same splitā€?