Soil salinity from sentinel-1 (GRD Data)

Hello good time. I’m sorry to disturb. To get the saltiness and humidity of the ec, I had a problem with the radar images. Thank you very much if you send me the formula and how to get it. Or guide me completely. I really need it.

It would be good if you would describe which steps you have tried and what kind of problem you have experienced. Otherwise it is diffcult to help you.

is there such a tool?

Is this screenshot from an older SNAP/S1TBX version?
I can’t see them in the current one.

@ABraun, @lveci Do you know something about this?

I am new to radar remote sensing and I have a work on soil salinity by sentinel 1, by which I would like to estimate soil salinity, could anyone give me what type of pretreatment on SNAP and what type of GRD product or SLC please?

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Hello. Refer to the following two articles to obtain soil salinity from radar images.