Standalone Script to process 1C to 2A with Sen2cor 280


I am trying to determine how to write the script for running the standalone sen2cor 280 processor (I’ve given up on trying to make the SNAP 6.0 plugin function because it’s so buggy). I’m working with 2A images downloaded from the Copernicus Open Access Hub and need to process several 1C images to match the same level of the 2A images provided by ESA. Based on the information at this link (, the wording is unclear and I’m not sure exactly how to make the processing levels match.

The code below appeared to function, but it seems I also need to specify additional parameters like the GIP_L2A file and DEM (does PlanetDEM vs. CGIAR-CSI matter in this case? My AOI is below 60°N). I also installed the ESA CCI package, but I’m not sure how to integrate that either (or if it’s overkill when I just need the 1C images to match the 2A images downloaded from the Open Access Hub).


cd Sen2Cor-02.08.00-win64

L2A_Process.bat --resolution 10 C:\Users\Jessie\Desktop\S2A_MSIL1C_20180207T104211_N0206_R008_T32UNF_20180207T124633.SAFE

Any timely assistance or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!