Statistics under Analysis

I performed statistics of Landsat OLI bands using 1200 GCP as ROI. The statistic provide
|Number of pixels total:|46840375|
|Number of considered pixels:|1233|
|Ratio of considered pixels:|0.002632344|
|Standard deviation:|10.24101555|
|Coefficient of variation:|0.663921283|
|P5 threshold:|3.365325108|
|P10 threshold:|4.323404078|
|P15 threshold:|5.281483048|
|P20 threshold:|6.538961696|
|P25 threshold:|7.556920601|

I am confused about IPx threshold Values what is this
For exampe IP5 threshold in 3.3653 WHAT IS THIS AND HOW IT IS BEING CALCULATED

That’s the Percentile.

Percentile 10 for exemple, means that 10% of the population (here the pixels) you study is below the value of 4.3234 and 90% is above.

Median is just a name for the particular case of Percentile 50, where 50% of the population is below 15.42504482 and 50% above

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Thanks: Can you refer me a paper where I can study and understand this percentile

You don’t need a paper for that. You can learn about percentile in every introductive statistical book. I have a very good one but unfortunately not in english (French).

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thanks for the help

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Hi @qglaude
You meant Median or Mean!?

Median. I realized I talked about median but took the value of the mean in the example. Thanks for pointing this out.

To be extremely clear, this is what I meant :

Median is just a name for the particular case of Percentile 50, where 50% of the population is below 13.02096473 and 50% above

Note I cannot edit my initial answer

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