Time Series Analysis (temporal profile) in QGIS

Hello everyone,

I am currently working on Sentinel 1 GRD data but I have problems to create time series profile and statistics of a polygon in SNAP. Thats why I tried it in QGIS but I dont know the software well enough. I installed related plugins (I think) but I dont know how to run it.

Is there anyone can help me step by step?

This is my screenshot:


For the plugin to work your timeseries should be saved in one raster file with one band per time-step, instead of having a separate raster for each time-step. You can do this in QGIS by selecting Raster > Miscellaneous > Merge or Raster > Miscellaneous > Build Virtual Raster from the main menu. If you use merge then make sure that “Place each input file in a separate band” option is ticked. For Build Virtual Raster the “Separate” option should be ticked.