Unwrapping problem relevant to SNAPHU

Hi. I try to get a DEM from Sentinel-1 by refering this video:

and the whole process I follow is on 11:07 https://youtu.be/7w_-deMSRTs?t=667 .

In this flowchart, unfortunately, I got a problem at unwrapping of 11:19 https://youtu.be/7w_-deMSRTs?t=679 .

I mean, although SnaphuExport was well done and I chose in SNAP

Radar>Interfermetric>Unwrapping>Snaphu-unwrapping ,

then “file could not read.” displayed.

I appreciate to tell me a clue to solve this problem.

In which folder did you execute the snaphu command? Is snaphu.conf located there?

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