Vector>Import>Vector from CSV yields Java error


I repeatedly get the error First record and header have different column count.

when trying to import a vector file from CSV format in SNAP. This is what I built following HELP:

    # Product:  Dogs
    # Created on:	Thu Apr 12 16:48:36 CEST 2019
    # Wavelength:	111.222
    org.esa.snap.MULTIPOLYGON	Name:String	Geometry:MultiPolygon	radiance_14:Double
    0	multipolygon_1	MULTIPOLYGON (((-75 6, -74 6, -74 5, -74 5, -75 6)),((-75 6, -74 6, -74 5, -74 5, -75 6))) 1.0
    1	multipolygon_2	MULTIPOLYGON (((-78 6, -77 6, -77 5, -78 5, -78 6)),((-78 6, -77 6, -77 5, -78 5, -78 6))) 2.0