Workflow between SNAP and StaMPS

I am a freshman at SNAP&StaMPS. I have learned a lot from here, thank you all.
I successfully ran mt_prep_snap by cygwin64 (using a modified version provided by someone else on the web). But after running mt_prep_snap, the matlab automatically jumped out, said ""Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: \StaMPS-4.1-beta\matlab:

After that, I opened the matlab from the terminal and show as the second picture.

I don’t know what to do. I hope that someone can help me,please . Thank you very much.
ps. my matlab is windows R2016a.

I want to know how to configure matlab under cygwin64,i need your help

Your screenshots are too small to be readable I’m afraid.

I found a solution of this problem.!topic/mainsar/MDMV9yXDl1g
But it’s too simple, I can’t understand how to execute. I have done creat a startup.m and addpath, but I don’t know how to correct “the call of matlab scrip”
Thank you very much

when i run mt_prep_gamma in cygwin64 like this:
and the bash error occurs,how to deal with it

did you modify and source CONFIG.tcsh as described in the stamps manual?

see here: How to prepare Sentinel-1 images stack for PSI/SBAS in SNAP 5

no I have not done it ?my system is under cygwin64
i need your advice sinceresly!

does source like this?
and what to modify?

please read the manual. Chapter 2 - you need to tell StaMPS where the installed programs are.

Sorry, but I can’t give any more advise on cygwin - it didn’t work for me and causes new problems.

can you gudie me to pass the first step,mt_prep_gamma

all i have done is in the SNAP,so in the .bash file I dont know which to edit!

if you edit StaMPS_CONFIG.bash and execute it every time before you are going to use StaMPS, you don’t need to modify the system’s bash. You can do either the first OR the second option - both make the StaMPS scripts available to your shell.

another problem,the I download the,and do i need othe process to triangle(have unzipped)image

You need to compile triangle before you can use it. This is all documented well in the README file.

ok,i will try it

Just some remarks:

  1. If you uses SNAP as InSAR processor, you can avoid to do modifications on the StaMPS_CONFIG.bash for triangle and snaphu

  2. You can run StaMPS steps 1 to 5 without triangle and snaphu using maltab, by adding the stamps/matlab folder to the current path in matlab by:

  3. Please ensure you uses the latest version of stamps (not released but the latest from github) to run at least step 1, as it solves many problems when SNAP writes 0’s or NaN’s pixels, while for the latest steps and plotting I suggest you to use the official release


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i use the mt_prep_gamma_snap,but there are many mistakes in the text,sunch as:

Dear all
Using the ps_plot(‘u’) command, I can only obtain the unwrapped difference phase in time series.
I just want to get LOS displacement just like this figure in Andy’s PhD paper:

Which command I can use to get the serial LOS displacement ??

ps. The method I known: the unwrapped difference phase wavelength firstly, and then divide 4pi.

I am truly appreciate and welcome any kind help or advice.

Hi @katherine. The summary of the procedure was really helpful. I was able to succesfully export to StaMPS where I have the 4 folders (dem ,diff0, geo, rslc). I just can’t find a step by step procedure on how to proceed after the successful StaMPS export. Could you provide a document stating the steps on how to use StaMPS? Thank you.

you can follow the StaMPS tutorial, starting with chapter 6