This is result of typing following command: ~/snap/bin/gpt -h Collocate You can get information about any SNAP operator using this command ================================================================== Usage: gpt Collocate [options] Description: Collocates two products based on their geo-codings. Source Options: -Smaster= The source product which serves as master. This is a mandatory source. -Sslave= The source product which serves as slave. This is a mandatory source. Parameter Options: -PmasterComponentPattern= The text pattern to be used when renaming master components. Default value is '${ORIGINAL_NAME}_M'. -PrenameMasterComponents= Whether or not components of the master product shall be renamed in the target product. Default value is 'true'. -PrenameSlaveComponents= Whether or not components of the slave product shall be renamed in the target product. Default value is 'true'. -PresamplingType= The method to be used when resampling the slave grid onto the master grid. Default value is 'NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR'. -PslaveComponentPattern= The text pattern to be used when renaming slave components. Default value is '${ORIGINAL_NAME}_S'. -PtargetProductType= The product type string for the target product (informal) Default value is 'COLLOCATED'. Graph XML Format: 1.0 Collocate ${master} ${slave} string boolean boolean string string resamplingType