RandomForest classifier newClassifier Cross Validation Number of classes = 2 class 0.0: None Water accuracy = 0.9998 precision = 1.0000 correlation = 0.9996 errorRate = 0.0002 TruePositives = 2499.0000 FalsePositives = 0.0000 TrueNegatives = 2500.0000 FalseNegatives = 1.0000 class 1.0: Water accuracy = 0.9998 precision = 0.9996 correlation = 0.9996 errorRate = 0.0002 TruePositives = 2500.0000 FalsePositives = 1.0000 TrueNegatives = 2499.0000 FalseNegatives = 0.0000 Using Testing dataset, % correct predictions = 99.9800 Total samples = 10000 RMSE = 0.01414213562373095 Bias = 1.9999999999997797E-4 Distribution: class 0.0: None Water 5000 (50.0000%) class 1.0: Water 5000 (50.0000%) Testing feature importance score: Each feature is perturbed 3 times and the % correct predictions are averaged The importance score is the original % correct prediction - average rank 1 feature 1 : Sigma0_VH_db score: tp=0.5038 accuracy=0.5038 precision=0.5057 correlation=0.5906 errorRate=-0.5038 cost=-1.0230 GainRatio = 0.4031