Export Mask Pixels


I am trying to identify regions of pixels which have been misclassified as cloud and have created masks around these regions. When i try and use the export mask tool the following message occurs:
Mask Pixels cannot be extracted.
Data are provided by images
Does anyone know how to fix this issue.
I am using Sentinel 3 imagery and am trying to export the pixel values within the OTCI band.


you can make a band out of the mask pixels using band maths.
In my example the mask is called “geometry”. Open the band maths of your product, un-check “virtual”, enter a name for your mask, select “Edit expression…” and select “Show masks” to select the mask. It is then written into a band which can be exported.

Will this extract the pixel values from the OTCI band in the process.

with an additional step, yes:

Once you have a binary raster (1=mask 0=no mask) just multiply your OTCI data with this mask (also in the band math). All pixels within this mask will stay in the resulting product, all others will become 0 and can then be defined as NoData.