How to change the resolution

hello forum please help me to make a measurement that is collected with 200-meter grid but I want to convert it in to
10 meters

you can convert it to 10 m by the Resampling operator but the image quality will of course remain the same.

okay, but it is shapefile, not raster collected with a 200 meter griding

sorry, this was not clear. SNAP has limited vector functionalities, so I recommend using QGIS or SAGA for this task.

I am not familiar with qgis please can you convert it for me? the points are 56

this depends on the coordinate system you need and also on the projection of data you want to combine these points with.

the collected points are in UTM and i want to combine with them Gcs

can you please tell a bit more about your overall aim. I’m still a bit unclear why these points shoulld be rasterized at 10 m. Maybe this could be solved easier.

okay the aim is to produce soil moisture content map with 10 meter resolution using change detection method.This method needs initial soil moisture content data (in-situ) the collected soil moisture content from the study area is with 200 meter spacing.

thank you. But what would it help you to have it as a raster? You could directly load it into SNAP and combine it with the loaded image products using the correlation plot.
An example (using building density, but should not maky any difference) is given in this tutorial: Interferometry Tutorial with Radarsat-2 (starting at page 16)

you are right ABraun butin order to make calculation in band maths I must change the vector data into raster for further analysis that’s why I want to change the in-situ data in to raster.

I think now I have got the solution with so much trial but I am always grateful to you for your intention to help beginners like me.

great, how did you solve it?

Okay first I created a 10-meter grid for my study area using create fishnet tool in ArcGIS then I took the 200-meter grid value of soil moisture content as average then I filled the value for each 10-meter pixel and transformed it from polygon to raster so then I can use it in band maths.

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very good!