About reflectance of sentinel-2 image

I’m sorry that the story is a little off.

I’m trying to get reflectance after transferring a pin created in SNAP to Qgis.

But I don’t know how to get the reflectance in Qgis.

please tell me!

can you please describe your problem a bit more? Maybe screenshots help us understand it better.

I want to get the reflectance where there is a green dot and the value stored in the image.

I would like to know how to display it in Qgis!

Does this help you?
qgis - How do I get the value of the pixel under the cursor?

if you want to extract the raster value of a point in QGIS, you can use the Point Sampling Tool plugin or the Sample raster values tool (found in the Processing Toolbox)

But as Marco suggested, you can do that easily in SNAP with the Pin Manager or the Spectrum View

Thank you!

I got the reflectance!