About Sentinel-1 SLC Subset

you means if a small area in a burst,I can subset it .if my study area across several burst,it must be TOP Debursted?

thank you very much

no, you will always have to split and deburst. But if your area is even smaller (don’t make it too small for unwrapping), you can create a subset after debursting

split?my doucument dose not coontain this step,can I do as follow:
co-regestration->deburst->subset->interferogram->other steps

we are moving in circles…

I refer to this document: http://step.esa.int/docs/tutorials/S1TBX%20TOPSAR%20Interferometry%20with%20Sentinel-1%20Tutorial.pdf

TOPS coregistration (includes both split and orbit file application) > interferogram processing > debursting > subset (if you still need) > other steps

fianal question,when I did multilook as this pictures:

I choose two band(i and q);
and do the next step ,finally get the right phase fig,
but when i uwrapping the phase ,export the snaphu ,an error occurs:
i found that my product dose not contain coherence band,How to do next

I skipped multilooking - it is not mandatory. But it should be possible after debursting.

When you compute the inteferogam, make sure that computation of coherence is checked.

I compute the coherence in inferogram step,after multilook,the coherence band was missing,is that because I did not choose the coherece band in multilook

yes, you need to manually select all bands you need in the multi-looking

my snap cannot choose the burst,why?

click on the triangles and drag them towards the middle to change the number of bursts

thanks a lot,your help is really good

@ABraun could I skip subset step in preprocessing?

yes, this is not mandatory