Atmospheric correction for Subsidence -DinSAR

Well…several things there: I guess you wanted to say 12/24/36 days for the temporal “resolution”, but not 16/30, otherwise you may not be using Sentinel-1 images belonging to the same track

Regarding your questions:

  1. With SNAP you cannot today reduce atmospheric phase error with an specific operator, but you can always check the literature to understand what are the constrains.
  2. If you pretend to apply PSI, no filter should be applied.
  3. spatio-temporal filters worked nicely for Envisat data, but nowadays an entire research field opened with the use of weather models, GNSS, etc… just decide what you want to do. I do not like particularly weather models, but this my personal opinion. Approaches like SBAS reduce the atmospheric noise pretty nicely. I like the approaches which remove the APS based on the data itselft and does not need other auxiliary data.

I hope this helps a bit.
Good luck!