Atmospheric Fringes

Thanks for the links @falahfakhri but I would like to know two basic things,

  1. How do we know when we see displacement fringes if they are the result of actual displacement or just atmospheric fringes?
  2. In my case, as again posting below for your reference, the displacement appears to be happening over areas with high coherence so I am wondering why would only areas of high coherence show atmospheric fringes and why can’t it be actual displacement? And if this is due to atmospheric reasons why is there a correlation with the coherence and why don’t we see them in the neighbouring areas including anywhere else in the entire sub-swath at this prominent scale?

In fact I notice all over the image some kind of correlation between high coherence values and fringes. Can someone clarify the trend? This also makes me wonder what else can define the goodness of the fringes other than the coherence map.