Base line in SNAP

Hi, falahfakhri. I have tested many Sentinel-1A interferometry pairs, but I have not found any was large than 200m in terms of baseline. How do you think about this?

Would you please to rephrase this point [quote=“sentinelgyb, post:13, topic:6237”]
How do you think about this?

What do you mean?

I mean Is there any trick to choose the Sentinel-1A interferometry pairs with baseline larger than 200m? I have tested many Sentinel-1A interferometry pairs, but I have not found any was larger than 200m in terms of its baseline. Thanks

I am getting perpendicular baselines in negative (-20.35) with sentinel-1 data. I have a problem while removing topographic phase for displacement mapping. The interferogram is showing similar results before removing the topographic phase and after removing the topographic phase. Is baseline is the problem here? What shall I do? I need to find out the deformation map. Can anybody please explain? I have also used different DEMS here which are provided in this software.

I would consider 20 m as the very limit for interferometry. If both satellites have nearly the same position you cannot get a pronounced topographic phase.

Thank you so much. I have now considered both short and long baseline to see the difference.

Hello,i am facing the same problem these days.can you share with me about how do you find the
sentinel-1A pairs with a baseline more than 200m?
my email:

Hi,lidahai, sorry to your problem, I have no idea to find interfermetry pairs with baseline larger than 200m. Best wishs:sweat_smile:

you can use the ASF baseline tool to identify image pairs with larger baselines:


Thanks anyway.The method provided by @ABraun turned out to be instrumental . Maybe you can try it next time.:smile:

amazing! thanks! @lidahai @ABraun:grinning:

Hi @ABraun

I have a -ve perpendicular baseline. It is my understanding that the optimal Bperp is between 150m & 300m. Does this also apply to its negative counterparts: -150m & -300m? Thanks

Yes, the sign only indicates on which “side” the slave acquisition is from the master acquisition. If you reverse the master and slave the sign changes.


thank you @mengdahl, much appreciated :smiley:

Hello falahfakhri. What is the shortcut to the baseline?Thanks.

Hi ABraun,

Some months ago I could create a baseline chart using the ASF baseline tool as in video you uploaded, but Now, this tool seems to be different. I cannot switch to SBAS beta from PS baseline chart as below

I have no idea, sorry.


I found a problem while trying to plot the baseline chart using the ASF baseline tool. I can’t get the plot for any Sentinel1 granule. Does anyone have the same problem? Could you please suggest solution to get the baseline chart?
Thank you.

It was reported here yesterday: Baseline Tool

No solution however yet, hopefully this bug will ne fixed soon. Has anyone reported it to ASF yet?