Error in applying orbit file

I processed the follow image:
When I performed Apply orbit file tool, there was an error .

Therefore I downloaded from .It didn’t work. What’s wrong?

Thanks a lot for any help!


Check out the time UTC in the orbit file!!!

Thank you very much!
I downloaded the new orbit file and it worked well. However, when I performed the Apply orbit file tool for this image:
from the orbit file I downloaded is here:

The error appears again.

Did you place it in the right folder. Since version 4 the orbits files don’t go into just one folder for the year. They go into mission year month folders such as auxdata\Orbits\Sentinel-1\POEORB\S1B\2016\10\

Your product is S1B make sure you have the S1B orbit file and put it into the S1B\2016\10 folder.

I suspect you are using an older version of SNAP. In the latest version, if not found on the server, it will find it in the qc website and get it for you.

help me

Please take a look at the following at the following post, Applying precise orbit ,

Source of the post