Error while configuring esa-snappy with Python 3.9.13 on Windows 11 - Configuration Failed - No Error Code

EDIT: This is not the correct method. See later in the thread.

Ok, I have esa_snappy working with Python 3.10 Anaconda environment with Windows 10. There were three steps I was missing.

  1. I needed to install jpy in my python environment with this command, pip install jpy
  2. I needed to install a Java Development Kit, but not the newest one (22). I installed OpenJDK 11.
  3. And I needed to create a SNAP_HOME environment variable that points to the install directory of Snap. On my machine it’s here,

It would be nice to have these steps mentioned in the docs for setting up esa_snappy to work with Snap 10. It’s great to have the functionality of Python working with Snap available!