Error with ApplyOrbit operator with ERS/Envisat SLC from ESAR On-The-Fly System

Hi all,

Recently I got some Envisat SLC data from the ESA On-The-Fly (OTF) system ( ) but I am getting errors while trying to apply the ApplyOrbits operator. I got the following error message (after the latest updates):

user:/media/sf_SAR# org.jblas.NativeBlas.dgemm(CCIIID[DII[DIID[DII)V

Same error with ERS SAR SLC from the ESA OTF system.

Can anybody help me? @marpet, @lveci, @jun_lu, @mengdahl

I even have the orbit files locally, but even if I change the settings from the file /home/user/snap/etc/ on the line: OrbitFiles.delftEnvisatOrbitPath = /media/sf_Rome_SAR/orbits/Envisat , the result does not vary

I assumed that SNAP always provided backward compatibility, but maybe this error could even be caused by some new metadata (or a different one) on the new SLC focused by ESA.

Has anybody faced the same issue?

Let me know!
Thanks in advance

Sample data for :

  • Envisat ASAR SLC : ASA_IMS_1PNESA20071019_092743_000000152062_00351_29463_0000.N1
  • ERS SAR SLC: SAR_IMS_1PNESA19971205_095734_00000015A027_00351_13732_0000.E2

I downloaded the ASAR and ERS products and ran apply orbit with DORIS and PRARE orbits. SNAP downloaded and applied them fine on Windows 10.

I suspect you may be using Linux and the JBLAS library needs a fortran dependency installed.


sudo apt install libgfortran3
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Solved! Thank you so much!

Is any way this library is integrated with the SNAP version for linux?
I believe I will not be the only one getting this error.
Best regards