Export of conc_tsm after C2RCC processing

The conc_tsm band is a virtual band and depends an iop_btot (iop_bpart + iop_bwit).
Also, the flag c2rcc_flags.Valid_PE is applied.
To make the data useable in other software it can help to convert the band as you already tried.
The savest way is to use the BandMaths. In SNAP Desktop simply right click on the band com_tsm and select Band Maths...
Give the band a new name and ensure that ‘Virtual (save expression only, don’t store data)’ is deselected
Afterwards you can create a subset, selecting only this band and deselecting all tie-point grids.
This product can be export to e.g., GeoTiff.
You can do the same with the c2rcc_flags band. But without the need to use the Band Maths before.
With both files you should be able to work in ArcGIS.