Exporting sentinel 1 band to Geotiff

This is something to be solved in arcmap. If there are three bands it treats them as RGB.
There must be somewhere a setting for this.

Do you have Stefen Auer’s email? Or is there any other way to contact him? I found his email by searching in google but my email got delivery failure.

what should I do if the scaling factor is not 1?

You also need to consider the offset value.
The raw value is then converted as follows:
value = offset + (scaleFactor * raw)

This is often used when data are stored as so called DN (digital numbers) or counts or raw values. Often these values are then just 16Bit integers. After scaling they are in a value range of e.g. [0.0, 1.0]. This is used to save disk space.

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After exporting Sentinel-1 images into GeoTiff using SNAP, I have opened it in ArcGIS. It is showing 4 bands can anyone explain about all these 4 bands??

Which steps did you undertake?
SAR data require pre-processing according to what information you want to retrieve. Here is a coarse collection of the most important steps:

Hi thank you for the enlightenment. I have followed all mentioned steps till the terrain correction and the final products are as:
Bands: Sigma0_VH, Beta0_VH, Sigma0_VV, Beta0_VV and Elevation
Is it correct?
Now when I am exporting it into GeoTif and trying to open it in ArcGIS it is completely black image with 5 bands. All I am trying to do is land cover classification. If the raster resolution comes 10m then I am intending to use clouad mask boundary to get the pixel information in order to use it in Sentinel-2 imageries. Do you think it is the correct approach ??? I would appreciate if you could explain the use of sigma and beta polarisation outputs?

if you want to export only one raster you can use Band Select

There choose GeoTiff as an output and only one band in the “Processing Parameters Tab”

About Sigma0 and Beta0. These are different degrees of calibration. Please consider reading some basics on SAR images.

Edit: Such as explained here:

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Thank you again :slight_smile: And yes I think I have to go through the basics of SAR but since, I have to analyse this as per the scheduled project timeline thats why I am trying to push hard just to get the output asap. I am aware of the fact that without getting into it, it wont be easy for me. Thanks a lot for your help so far. One last confusion I have read somewhere about the RGB combinations which are as Red-VV, Green-VH and Blue-VH/VV and another one Red-HH, Green-VV and Blue-HV. Could you suggest which one is correct one??

correct for what? :slight_smile:
There are endless band combinations, each one highlighting certain properties. They depend on the feature of and on the wavelength of the sensor. So there is no right or wrong at all.
Just as in optical data: For example, 3,2,1 (blue, green, red) is related to human vision but 4,3,2 (false colour infrared, blue, green) highlights vegetation in a red tone.

I understand that there is often time pressure in projects and I don’t want to take your interst in SAR data but without some basics you won’t get far because you waste your valuable time with questions that make no sense.

Yes I agree with you. I am aware of the different combinations of the bands as per the requirement, I was curious to know the corresponding polarization with respect to the spectral ranges (RGB) if it can be compared. I really appreciate for for your help so far. I am assuming that you are using updated version of SNAP wherein you get the Band Select option, the version I have doesn’t showing that option.

You can hit Help > Check For Updates to get the latest version of SNAP.

As SAR backscatter is based on physical parameters of surfaces (roughess, moisture, shape, size, orientation) SAR RGBs and optical RGBs cannot be compared directly. They rather provide information complementary to each other.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Radiometric Terrain Flattening - Hot solve low DEM resolution?

Dear sir

I have classified the S1A data using RF classification and export in geotiff . When i open this image in Arcgis it does not show the classess it give only range please help me.

first, you don’t need to export to GeoTiff, simply open the img files in the data folder in ArcMap.

To have the classes displayed in ArcMap, change the styling from “stretched” to “discrete color” in the raster properties.

Dear Sir

When i tried to open the exported image in Arcgis than i got an error i.e. failed to create raster layer.

what error do you receive?

" Failed to create raster"

you selected the *.img file?

No, its TIFF file.